Uploading Methods

ImageDirector four methods for uploading your files and images: Web Folder, FTP, and HTTP transfer.

By default, a web folder is opened when you click Upload Now. When the folder has loaded, simply drag and drop the file(s) you want to send and click on the Inbox tab once you are finished. You may also drag folders with subfolders into the web folder for multiple file transfers. In this case, the folder will not appear in the inbox but will be directly created as a category folder, with its name being your User-ID appended to the original folder name. For example if your User-ID is soopy and you upload a folder named images, a category named _soopy_images will be created. Transferring via FTP is done under the same process. Use this option if your browser is not currently supporting web folders.

For HTTP transfer, you can browse and select up to 5 files to upload simultaneously. Click Upload Now on this page once you have selected your files.


Upload with Webfolder

Click on the Webfolder icon to open the Webfolder window. Wait until your user name is displayed in the Webfolder window.  Drag and drop your files from your file manager to the Webfolder.  


To start the conversion process, click the Inbox.

Individual files will be displayed in the Inbox as editable assets. 


If you upload one or more folders, categories will be assigned automatically. The new category is displayed with your username and the name of the original folders:


Webfolder has to be turned on in your local system settings in order to utilise this function.


Upload with Web FTP

See Upload with Webfolder for the process. Click on the FTP icon to open the Web FTP window. Wail until the "connecting" message disapears and your username is displayed in the title of the FTP window.

Web FTP has to be turned on in your local system settings in order to utilise this function.


Upload with HTTP

Upload up to five files at once from your local disc. Click upload now after you are done with your selection.  


Upload with an external FTP Client

In some cases it can be preferable to upload files with an FTP client that is installed on your local machine. The access information is displayed in My Profile. Copy this code into your FTP client and login anonymously.  After completing the upload, you will have to convert the files in the Inbox.  


Example: ftp://client.imagedirector.net/code-E1504-meoiqd287ix78b




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